Media Contact: Ashly Custer, City of Edinburg Director of Communications & Media, (956) 648-3506 Cell
Businesses Continue To Expand In Edinburg
North Industrial Park Subdivision Development Sees New Growth
EDINBURG, Texas – During this week’s city council meeting on Tuesday, September 20, 2022, Mayor and Council voted to approve a number of contracts that will soon expand the North Industrial Park Subdivision in Edinburg and create hundreds of new jobs in the area.
Following each item’s initial approval by the Edinburg Economic Development Corporation’s Board of Directors, Mayor Ramiro Garza Jr. and council members David White, Daniel ‘Dan’ Diaz, and Jason De Leon voted unanimously to approve the sale of 38 acres in the area that will house companies that are expanding, such as Nicho Produce, RGV CDL Services, and more. The property sales will allow these businesses to offer a variety of services, including retail signage, produce distribution sites, and commercial spaces in our city.
In total, the businesses are expected to invest over $27.15 million dollars in capital investment and are set to provide 610 jobs in the community.
“With these sales, there will be millions of dollars invested in our Industrial Park that will affect so many areas,” Councilman Daniel ‘Dan’ Diaz says. “All these workers will need places to buy their food, put gas, build homes – the ripple effect is endless. Furthermore, the expansion of 2 new bridges coming from the border will loop and connect to I-69 in this general area. The explosion of development is on its way. It shows that the EDC is doing a great job of attracting new businesses as well as assisting our existing businesses to grow.”
If you would like to stay up-to-date on city business, regularly scheduled city council meetings are held every first and third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 PM at the Edinburg City Hall Council Chambers, located at 415 W.University Drive. Meetings are also streamed live at and on Spectrum Channel 1300.