Food Processing in Edinburg

Home-Grown Produce & Household Favorite Products

Fresh fruits and vegetables, locally-made dry goods, and national brands all find success in Edinburg. The food production, processing and manufacturing industry is thriving in Edinburg, fueling and feeding our local economy. Regional advantages like our warm climate, fertile soil and seasonal showers create the perfect garden bed for small and large produce operations. Our population’s rich history and culture has spurred successful business operations for traditional foods and beverages to our border community, which can now be enjoyed by families across the nation. Affordable land and an adaptable workforce have enabled corporations to set up large operations for cold storage, processing and manufacturing of name brand products. Whether you are looking to kickstart your business, partner with local farmers, or build new facilities, Edinburg is your gateway to success.

Little Bear Produce

Jim and Diane Bassetti, owners of Little Bear Produce, have operated their family business in Edinburg since 1986. Edinburg’s many business advantages – from its central location to robust infrastructure – have helped Little Bear Produce thrive here.


Grown in Edinburg

Known as the Garden of Texas, Edinburg is home to many produce companies. Together, these farms are feeding the nation. Little Bear Produce, Nicho Produce and Lakeside Produce are just a few of the operations that are local to Edinburg and benefit the nation. Working in partnership with local distribution companies and cold storage facilities, our agriculture industry is bringing a taste of Edinburg to plates across the U.S. — from restaurants on the east coast, to home-cooked meals in Dallas.

Cold Storage

Keeping Products Fresh for Consumers

Serving as a key location for products going across the border in either direction, cold storage facilities and employers in Edinburg play an important role in food safety and quality. Major brands like Robinson Fresh and Farmers Best rely on the strategic location of Edinburg to keep locally grown produce moving north and south of the border, and international companies such as Don Hugo depend on their operation in Edinburg to bring their business into U.S. territory.


A Taste of Edinburg

Food producers and manufacturers in Edinburg have been able to take recipes and generations-old family secrets for making the most authentic foods and translate them into products available on shelves in grocery stores across the U.S. From Exquisita Tortilla to Azteca Milling to Chorizo De San Manuel and more, our local foods and flavors can be enjoyed by people everywhere.

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